posted 1st August 2024
Classroom arrangement
This part of the program will run for a period of six (6) months and the training curriculum will include courses such as Definition of a business, legal implication of businesses, Regulation of businesses in Nigeria, Business concepts and conventions, Various types of businesses, how to run a successful business, The dos and don'ts of businesses, common mistakes of business owners, how to manage business relationships, The most important aspects of business etc. All this topic will be facilitated by business professionals who have the requisite experience and knowledge to be able to mentor and groom young entrepreneurs.
Internship arrangement
The institute will make arrangement with a well-established business school in the UK for an exchange program for its trainees. This aspect of the program will give the trainees international exposure and experience over a period of three months. This short training exchange program will also provide the opportunity for the graduate trainees to boost the profile of their potential future businesses with an international flavor when they eventually start one
Team arrangement
The trainees will be grouped into teams and each team will draw up a business proposal for the business they intend to embark upon. The trainees will have one month period to complete this task and shall make a presentation and defense of the proposal to a panel of the institute. The group that can draw up the best business plan will be awarded a take-off grant by the institute.
Graduation arrangement
The institute will arrange for and invite investors to the graduation ceremony of the trainees and the investors will have the opportunity to interact with the potential entrepreneurs and will decide on whether to invest in any of the business idea/proposal of their choice presented by the trainees.
Post-graduation arrangement
Businesses formed by the graduates of the institute will have access to resource persons and professionals that facilitated their training programs for advice and assistance in form of mentoring and grooming even after graduation. The institute will make available the contacts and phone numbers of the facilitators and where necessary the institute can arrange for a post-graduation meeting of the facilitators and the Trainees.